Source code for dreamtools.dream5.D5C2.scoring

# -*- python -*-
#  This file is part of DREAMTools software
#  Copyright (c) 2014-2015 - EBI-EMBL
#  File author(s): Thomas Cokelaer <>
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  website:
"""D5C2 challenge scoring functions

Based on (perl version) provided by Raquel Norel (Columbia
University/IBM) also used by the web server

This implementation is independent of the web server.
import os
from os.path import join as pj
import zipfile
from io import BytesIO
import collections
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tempfile

from easydev import progress_bar
from dreamtools.core.ziptools import ZIP
from dreamtools.core.challenge import Challenge
from dreamtools.core.rocs import ROCDiscovery

[docs]class D5C2(Challenge): """A class dedicated to D5C2 challenge :: from dreamtools import D5C2 s = D5C2() # You can get a template from page (you need # to register) filename = s.download_template() s.score(filename) # takes about 5 minutes s.get_table() s.plot() Data and templates are downloaded from Synapse. You must have a login. """ def __init__(self, verbose=True, download=True, tmpdir=None, Ntf=66, **kargs): """.. rubric:: constructor :param Ntf: not to be used. Used for fast testing and debugging :param tmpdir: a local temporary file if provided. """ super(D5C2, self).__init__('D5C2', verbose, download, **kargs) self.Ntf = Ntf self.tmpdir = tmpdir # directory where to save the results self._dvs = {} self._dvps = {} self._probes = {}
[docs] def score(self, prediction_file): """Compute all results and compare prediction with official participants This scoring function can take a long time (about 5-10 minutes). """ self.init() # this provides a temporary file self.prediction_file = prediction_file print('Loading user data set (step 1 out of 5)') self._loading_user_data() print('Loading the gold standard and user prediction. Takes a few seconds (step 2 out 5') self.download_all_data() print('\nProcessing\nSplitting data sets (step 3 out of 5)') self._split_data() print('\nComputing probes (step 4 out of 5)') self._preprocessing() print('\nComputing performances (step 5 out of 5)') self._processing() results = self.get_table().ix[20] return results
[docs] def init(self): """Creates the temporary directory and the sub directories. Behaviour differs whether the directory was provided in the constructor or not. """ if self.tmpdir is None: self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() else: try: os.mkdir(self.tmpdir) except: pass for directory in ['Data', 'Out']: this = pj(self.tmpdir, directory) if os.path.exists(this) is False: os.mkdir(this)
[docs] def download_goldstandard(self): filename = self._download_data('', 'syn2898469') print("Note: to get a valid gold standard, \n") print(" 1 - Unzip the file\n") print(" 2 - Extract the first, second, fourth column\n") print(" 3 - Replace spaces by tabs\n") print(" 4 - zip the file\n") return filename
[docs] def download_all_data(self): """Download all large data sets from Synapse""" pb = progress_bar(5) # load the large gold standard file from D5C2 synapse main page filename = self._download_data('', 'syn2898469') pb.animate(1) z = ZIP() z.loadZIPFile(filename) data ='Answers.txt') = pd.read_csv(BytesIO(data), sep='\t') # download 4 other filenames from dreamtools synapse project self._download_data('all_8mers.txt', 'syn4483185') pb.animate(2) self._download_data('8mers_gs.txt', 'syn4483187') pb.animate(3) self._download_data('probe35_gs.txt', 'syn4483184') pb.animate(4) self._download_data('probes35.txt', 'syn4483183') pb.animate(5)
[docs] def download_template(self): """Download a template from synapse into ~/config/dreamtools/dream5/D5C2 :return: filename and its full path """ filename = self._download_data('templates.txt.gz', 'syn4483192') return filename
def _split_data(self, precision=6): """precision is to get same results as in the original perl script""" #FIXME:: mask = == 0 self.user_data_clean = self.user_data[mask].copy() print('Splitting the user data set and removing flagged data (%s out of %s)' % ([0] - mask.sum(),[0])) self.gs_clean =[mask].copy() # local aliases gs = self.gs_clean user_data = self.user_data_clean pb = progress_bar(self.Ntf, interval=1) for tf_index in range(1, self.Ntf + 1): this_tf = 'TF_%s' % tf_index tf_gs = gs.query("Id == @this_tf").Answer tf_user = user_data.query("TF_Id == @this_tf").Signal_Mean df = pd.concat([tf_gs, tf_user], axis=1) df.to_csv(self._setfile(tf_index, 'Data'), index=False, sep='\t', header=False, float_format="%f") pb.animate(tf_index) def _loading_user_data(self): """Get the file from the form, save it, decompress it.""" # could be either gz or zip import mimetypes itemtype = mimetypes.guess_type(self.prediction_file)[1] if itemtype == 'gzip': import gzip fh =, 'rb') data = fh.close() elif itemtype == 'zip': z = zipfile.ZipFile(self.prediction_file) assert len(z.filelist) == 1, "zipped archive should contain only 1 file" # extract in byte data =[0]) self.prediction_file_unzipped = 'tmp_' + z.filelist[0].filename else: raise IOError("input file must be gzipped or zipped") df = pd.read_csv(BytesIO(data), sep='\t');# engine='python') self.user_data = df def _preprocessing(self): """Create temporary files for before further processing :return: nothing """ # Read file octomers gold standard filename = + os.sep + '8mers_gs.txt' self.octomers_gs = pd.read_csv(filename, sep='\t', header=None) # Read file octomers filename = + os.sep + 'all_8mers.txt' self.octomers = pd.read_csv(filename, sep='\t', header=None) # contains reverse complemtn self.octomers.columns = ['octomer','octomerRC'] # Read probes gs filename = + os.sep + 'probe35_gs.txt' self.probes_gs = pd.read_csv(filename, header=None, sep='\t') self.probes_gs.columns = ['Id', 'Sequence'] # reads probes (sequences) print('Reading probes') filename = + os.sep + 'probes35.txt' # just one column so no need for a separator probes = pd.read_csv(filename) # Extract information (first and third column of pred.txt) df = self.user_data[['TF_Id', 'Signal_Mean']].copy() df['Signal_Mean'] = df['Signal_Mean'].map(lambda x: round(x,6)) # data.txt is paste of probes35.txt and val.txt data = pd.concat([probes, df], axis=1) # Creates probes/TF_1.dat that contains the sequence from the GS and the answer from the user # for each TF print('Creating probes/TF_1.csv + sorting') pb = progress_bar(self.Ntf, interval=1) for i in range(1, self.Ntf+1): # could use a groupby here ? faster maybe tag = 'TF_%s' % i sequence = data[['Sequence']].ix[] answer = data.Signal_Mean[data.TF_Id == tag] df = pd.concat([sequence, answer], axis=1) try: df.sort_values(by=['Signal_Mean', 'Sequence'], ascending=[False, False], inplace=True) except: df.sort(columns=['Signal_Mean', 'Sequence'], ascending=[False, False], inplace=True) df['Signal_Mean'] = df['Signal_Mean'].map(lambda x: round(x,6)) self._probes[i] = df pb.animate(i) def _setfile(self, index, directory): return self.tmpdir + os.sep + directory + os.sep + 'TF_%s' % index + '.csv' def _processing(self): """ :return: """ ######################################## 1 Create the Out/TF_XX.dat files octomers = self.octomers.octomer octomersRC = self.octomers.octomerRC mapping1 = dict([(k,v) for k,v in zip(octomers.values, octomersRC.values)]) mapping2 = dict([(k,v) for k,v in zip(octomersRC.values, octomers.values)]) keys = tuple(sorted(octomers.values)) lm = set(octomers.values) pb = progress_bar(self.Ntf, interval=1) pb.animate(0) for tf_index in range(1, self.Ntf + 1): tf = self._probes[tf_index] tf.columns = ['Sequence', 'Score'] ids = collections.defaultdict(list) ## TODO: most of the time is spent in "for curR in generator" loop for seq, score in zip(tf.Sequence, tf.Score): # scan the sequence by chunk of octomers using a generator # for speed (although gain is small) generator = (seq[i:i+8] for i in range(0, 28)) #for curR in generator: # if curR not in mapping1.keys(): # curR = mapping2[curR] # ids[curR].append(score) # Using a set does help speeding up the code for curR in generator: if curR not in lm: curR = mapping2[curR] ids[curR].append(score) # now let us build the new dataframe for the indices found df = pd.DataFrame({0: [k for k in ids.keys()], 1: [np.median(v) for v in ids.values()]}) try: df.sort_values(by=[1, 0], ascending=[False, False], inplace=True) except: df.sort(columns=[1, 0], ascending=[False, False], inplace=True) df[1] = df[1].map(lambda x: round(x, 6)) df.to_csv(self._setfile(tf_index, 'Out'), sep=' ', index=False, header=None, float_format="%.6f") pb.animate(tf_index) ################################################# 2 create the DVP pb = progress_bar(self.Ntf, interval=1) for tf_index in range(1,self.Ntf+1): tag = 'TF_%s' % tf_index tf_probes = list(self.probes_gs.ix[self.probes_gs.groupby('Id').groups[tag]].Sequence) tf = self._probes[tf_index] dv = tf.Sequence.apply(lambda x: x in tf_probes).astype(int) self._dvps[tf_index] = dv pb.animate(tf_index) print("") ########################################################## DV gs_octomers = self.octomers_gs.copy() gs_octomers.columns = ['id', 'octomer'] pb = progress_bar(self.Ntf, interval=1) for tf_index in range(1,self.Ntf+1): tag = 'TF_%s' % tf_index tf_octomers = list(gs_octomers.ix[gs_octomers.groupby('id').groups[tag]].octomer) tf = pd.read_csv(self._setfile(tf_index, "Out"), sep=" ", header=None) tf.columns = ['Octomer', 'Score'] dv = tf.Octomer.apply(lambda x: x in tf_octomers).astype(int) # Stores the dataframe self._dvs[tf_index] = dv pb.animate(tf_index)
[docs] def compute_statistics(self): """Returns final results of the user predcition :return: a dataframe with various metrics for each transcription factor. Must call :meth:`score` before. """ data = {'Pearson': [], 'Spearman': [], 'Pearson_Log': [], "AUROC_8mer": [], "AUPR_8mer": [], "AUROC_probe": [], "AUPR_probe": []} pb = progress_bar(self.Ntf, interval=1) for tf_index in range(1, self.Ntf + 1): dfdata = pd.read_csv(self._setfile(tf_index, "Data"), sep='\t', header=None) pearson = dfdata.corr('pearson').ix[0,1] spearman = dfdata.corr('spearman').ix[0,1] pearsonLog = np.log10(dfdata).corr('pearson').ix[0,1] data['Pearson'].append(pearson) data['Pearson_Log'].append(pearsonLog) data['Spearman'].append(spearman) dvdata = self._dvs[tf_index] r = ROCDiscovery(dvdata.values) rocdata = r.get_statistics() auroc = r.compute_auc(roc=rocdata) aupr = r.compute_aupr(roc=rocdata) data['AUROC_8mer'].append(auroc) data['AUPR_8mer'].append(aupr) dvdata = self._dvps[tf_index] r = ROCDiscovery(dvdata.values) rocdata = r.get_statistics() auroc = r.compute_auc(roc=rocdata) aupr = r.compute_aupr(roc=rocdata) data['AUROC_probe'].append(auroc) data['AUPR_probe'].append(aupr) pb.animate(tf_index) df = pd.DataFrame(data) df = df[['Pearson', u'Spearman', u'Pearson_Log', u'AUROC_8mer', u'AUPR_8mer', u'AUROC_probe', u'AUPR_probe']] return df
[docs] def get_table(self): """Return table with user results from the user and participants There are 14 participants as in the Leaderboard found here!Synapse:syn2887863/wiki/72188 :return: a dataframe with different metrics showing performance of the submission with respect to other participants. :: table = s.get_table() with open('test.html', 'w') as fh: fh.write(table.to_html(index=False)) """ userdf = self.compute_statistics() userdf = userdf.mean().to_frame().T userdf.index = [20] # there are 20 participants, let us add this user as the 21st userdf = userdf[['Pearson', 'Pearson_Log', 'Spearman', 'AUROC_8mer', 'AUPR_8mer']] userdf['Team'] = 'Your team' userdf['Model type'] = 'Your model' filename = os.sep.join([self.classpath, "data", "d5c2_data_table.csv"]) participants = pd.read_csv(filename, sep='\t', index_col=0) table = pd.concat([participants, userdf]) # compute ranks based on those columns. Using method first to # be in agreement with the server rank_columns = ['Pearson', 'Pearson_Log', 'Spearman', 'AUPR_8mer', 'AUROC_8mer'] ranks = table[rank_columns] mean_ranks = ranks.rank(ascending=False, method='first').mean(axis=1) table['Final Rank (average)'] = mean_ranks.values table['Final Rank'] = table['Final Rank (average)'].rank(method='first') table = table[['Team', 'Model type', 'Final Rank', 'Final Rank (average)'] + rank_columns] try: table = table.sort_values(by=['Final Rank']) except: table = table.sort(columns=['Final Rank']) return table
def _get_table(self): userdf = self.compute_statistics() userdf = userdf.mean().to_frame().T userdf.index = [20] # there are 20 participants, let us add this user as the 21st # load all data from participants for comparison filename = os.sep.join([self.classpath, "data", "d5c2_data_plot.csv"]) participants = pd.read_csv(filename, sep='\t', ) df = pd.concat([participants, userdf]) return (df, userdf)
[docs] def plot(self, fontsize=16): """Show the user prediction compare to 20 other participants""" df, userdf = self._get_table() import pylab pylab.clf(); pylab.subplot(2,2,1) pylab.plot(df.AUROC_8mer, df.AUPR_8mer, marker='+', color='k', lw=0, markersize=10) pylab.plot(userdf.AUROC_8mer, userdf.AUPR_8mer, marker='s', color='b', lw=0, markersize=10) pylab.xlim([0, 1]) pylab.ylim([0, 1]) pylab.xlabel('AUROC octamers', fontsize=fontsize) pylab.ylabel('AURPR octamers', fontsize=fontsize) pylab.grid() pylab.subplot(2, 2, 2) pylab.plot(df.AUROC_probe, df.AUPR_probe, marker='+', color='k', lw=0, markersize=10) pylab.plot(userdf.AUROC_probe, userdf.AUPR_probe, marker='s', color='b', lw=0, markersize=10) pylab.xlim([0, 1]) pylab.ylim([0, 1]) pylab.xlabel('AUROC probes', fontsize=fontsize) pylab.ylabel('AURPR probes', fontsize=fontsize) pylab.grid() pylab.subplot(2,2,3) pylab.plot(df.Pearson, df.Spearman, marker='+', color='k', lw=0, markersize=10) pylab.plot(userdf.Pearson, userdf.Spearman, marker='s', color='b', lw=0, markersize=10) pylab.xlim([0, 1]) pylab.ylim([0, 1]) pylab.xlabel('Pearson probes', fontsize=fontsize) pylab.ylabel('Spearman probes', fontsize=fontsize) pylab.grid() pylab.subplot(2, 2, 4) pylab.plot(df.Pearson, df.Pearson_Log, marker='+', color='k', lw=0, markersize=10) pylab.plot(userdf.Pearson, userdf.Pearson_Log, marker='s', color='b', lw=0, markersize=10) pylab.xlim([0, 1]) pylab.ylim([0, 1]) pylab.xlabel('Pearson probes', fontsize=fontsize) pylab.ylabel('Log Pearson probes', fontsize=fontsize) pylab.grid()
[docs] def cleanup(self): """Remove the temporary directory""" import shutil shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir)