For developers

How to structure a new challenge:

If you wish to include a scoring function in DREAMTools, we provide an executable called dreamtools-layout (from dreamtools.core.layout module). It creates a minimalist layout automatically to help you to start. You first need to think about a challenge nickname. Let us assume a challenge for DREAM8 session, which is the fourth one. Its nickname would be D8C4.

First, move in the github tree structure to the dream8 directory:

cd dreamtools
cd dream8

if the directory dream8 does not exist, create it and add an empty file called Then, all you need to do is to go to dreamtools/dream8 directory and type:

dreamtools-layout --challenge-name D8C4

Some sub directories and files are created including the with a basic class where to code or wrap your scoring function.

If data file or templates are too large, we strongly recommend to store them in a project on Synapse. We have created a synapse project called dreamtools where for example the D5C2 data files have been stored. Other files can all be stored there. This may be duplicated with existing projects but would ease the maintenance of the 30-40 DREAM challenges already available in DREAMTools.

Naming conventions

There is no strict conventions but to help creating more uniformed code, try to name the template after the challenge nicknname for instance D3C1_template. Irrespective of the name, place it in the templates/ directory. Similarly for gold standards: start the filename with D3C1_goldstandard tag.

Again, if those files are too large, consider placing them in synapse and use tools inside DREAMTools to retrieve them automatically (see below).

Basic Structure of the Challenge class

import os
from dreamtools.core.challenge import Challenge

class D7C4(Challenge):
    """A class dedicated to D7C4 challenge


        from dreamtools import D7C4
        s = D7C4()
        filename = s.download_template()

    Data and templates are downloaded from Synapse. You must have a login.

    def __init__(self, verbose=True, download=True, **kargs):
        """.. rubric:: constructor"""
        super(D7C4, self).__init__('D7C4', verbose, download, **kargs)
        # if several sub-challenges, name them here
        self.sub_challenges = []

    def _init(self):
        # should download files from synapse if required.

    def score(self, prediction_file):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def download_template(self):
        # should return full path to a template file

    def download_goldstandard(self):
        # should return full path to a template file

Storing large files

Templates and gold standards are either stored within the DREAMTools package or, if there are too large, on the Synapse web site. In the latter case, the files will be downloaded on request (only once). You should therefore not change those files, which are located in the DREAMTools directory (e.g., /home/user/.config/dreamtools). The downloaded files are stored in specific directories. For instance, files related to the D9C1 challenge are stored in /home/user/.config/dreamtools/dream9/D9C1.

So, as developers, you should also figure out if a file should be stored in Synapse or not. Large files are currently stored in this synapse page dreamtools

If your class inherits from dreamtools.core.challenge.Challenge, you can then just type this kind of command to (1) download the file and get its local location:

filename = self._download_data('',

In this example, the file is stored in this directory: /home/user/.config/dreamtools/dream5/D5C2 for the example above.


Please add this header at the top of your Python files:

# -*- python -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  This file is part of DREAMTools software
#  Copyright (c) 2015-2016, DREAMTools Development Team
#  All rights reserved
#  Distributed under the BSD 3-Clause License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE distributed with this software
#  File author(s): Your name <youremail>
#  website: