Source code for dreamtools.core.challenge

# -*- python -*-
#  This file is part of DREAMTools software
#  Copyright (c) 2014-2015 - EBI-EMBL
#  File author(s): Thomas Cokelaer <>
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  website:
"""Common utility to all challenges"""
import os
import sys
import re

from dreamtools import configuration as cfg

__all__ = ['LocalData', 'Challenge']

[docs]class LocalData(object): """Used by :class:`Challenge` """ def __init__(self): # dynamically find the path of the module. filename = os.path.abspath(sys.modules[self.__module__].__file__) self.classpath = filename.rsplit(os.sep, 1)[0]
[docs] def getpath_data(self, filename): filename = self._pj([self.classpath, 'data', filename]) assert os.path.exists(filename), 'file %s does not exists' % filename return filename
[docs] def getpath_template(self, filename): """Return full path of the template location named *filename*""" filename = self._pj([self.classpath, 'templates', filename]) assert os.path.exists(filename), 'file %s does not exists' % filename return filename
[docs] def getpath_gs(self, filename): filename = self._pj([self.classpath, 'goldstandard', filename]) assert os.path.exists(filename), 'file %s does not exists' % filename return filename
[docs] def getpath_lb(self, filename): filename = self._pj([self.classpath, 'leaderboard', filename]) assert os.path.exists(filename), 'file %s does not exists' % filename return filename
def _pj(self, listdir): return os.sep.join(listdir)
[docs]class Challenge(LocalData): """Common class to all challenges If you have not setup a .synapseConfig in your HOME, you must provide a synapse client :: from dreamtools import * s = Challenge('D2C1') client = Login(username=username, password=pwd).client s.client = client """ def __init__(self, challenge_name, verbose=False, download=True, **kargs): """.. rubric:: constructor :param str challenge_name: Must be formatted as DXCY where X and Y are numbers. Intermediate challenges from e.g. D9.5 should be encoded as D9dot5CY """ self.verbose = verbose super(Challenge, self).__init__() #: alias of the challenge as DXCY form with X, Y being 2 numbers self.debug = False self.alias = challenge_name self._check_challenge_name() #: directory where is stored the configuration file and data files. self.mainpath = cfg.user_config_dir # More METADATA self.sub_challenges = [] # Get data from the README if possible try: metadata = self._get_metadata() self.synapseId = metadata['synapseId'] self.summary = metadata['summary'] self.title = metadata['title'] except: self.synapseId = 'undefined' self.summary = 'undefined' self.title = 'undefined' # initialisation self.mkdir() self.client = None # If the standalone application has --info or --onweb or the user # specifically set download to False, then self._standalone is set to # True # This flag allows to skip the downloading from Synapse self._standalone = '--info' in sys.argv or '--onweb' in sys.argv if download is False: self._standalone = True def _init(self): pass def _get_directory(self): """Gets directory where data will be stored.""" name_dir = self._get_challenge_directory() directory = os.sep.join([self.mainpath, name_dir, self.alias]) return directory directory = property(_get_directory) def _check_challenge_name(self): results ="^D\d+(dot5)?C\d+$", self.alias) if results is None: msg = "Challenge name provided (%s) is incorrect expects DXCY with X and Y as numbers. Or possibly DXdot5CY (e.g. D8C3, D9dot5C2)" raise ValueError(msg % self.alias) def _get_challenge_directory(self): # name is e.g., D1C2 we want to extract the 1 (with more than 1 digit) name = self.alias[1:] # get rid of first letter D version = name.split("C")[0] return "dream" + str(version)
[docs] def mkdir(self): """Create local dreamtools directory""" directory = self._get_challenge_directory() directory = os.sep.join([self.mainpath, directory]) if os.path.exists(directory) is False: os.mkdir(directory) directory = self._get_directory() if os.path.exists(directory) is False: os.mkdir(directory)
[docs] def download_template(self, sub_challenge=None): """Must be provided""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def score(self, filename, sub_challenge=None): """Must be provided""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def import_scoring_class(self): """Dynamic import of a challenge class :: c = Challenge('D7C1') inst_class = c.import_scoring_class() """ import imp import dreamtools pathname = os.path.split(dreamtools.__file__)[0] pathname += os.sep + self._get_challenge_directory() pathname += os.sep + self.alias pathname += os.sep + '' py_mod = imp.load_source('scoring', pathname) class_inst = getattr(py_mod, self.alias)() return class_inst
def _download_data(self, name, synid): # name is not strictly required but if already found, # it will not be downloaded again from dreamtools.core.downloader import Downloader filename = + os.sep + name if os.path.exists(filename) is False: # must download the data now shortfilename = os.path.split(filename)[1] if self.verbose: print("Note that file %s not found. Downloading from" % shortfilename) d = Downloader(self.alias, self.client) # save the login if needed again, it will be faster self.client = d.client return filename
[docs] def get_pathname(self, filename): """Return pathname of a file to be found on ./config/dreamtools if available""" filename = + os.sep + filename if os.path.exists(filename) is False: raise ValueError("Could not find the file %s in %s" % (filename, return filename
[docs] def loadmat(self, filename): """Load a MATLAB matrix""" import return
[docs] def unzip(self, filename): """Simple method to extract all files contained in an archive""" from dreamtools.core.ziptools import ZIP z = ZIP() z.loadZIPFile(self.get_pathname(filename)), z.extractall(
def _check_subname(self, subname): from easydev import check_param_in_list check_param_in_list(subname, self.sub_challenges) def __str__(self): txt = """Challenge %s\n""" % self.alias txt += "=" * len(txt) + "\n" if len(self.sub_challenges): txt += """Note that this challenge contains sub-challenges.\n""" for this in self.sub_challenges: txt += " * %s \n" % this txt += "\n" metadata = """ :Title: %(title)s :Alias: %(alias)s :Summary: %(summary)s :SubChallenges: %(subchallenge)s :Synapse page:!Synapse:%(synapseId)s""" txt += metadata % { 'alias': self.alias, 'title': self.title, 'summary': self.summary, 'subchallenge': " ".join(self.sub_challenges), 'synapseId': self.synapseId} txt += """\n\n\nVisit to get more information about the challenge\n\n\n""" txt += "Any issues/suggestions about DREAMTools itself ? " txt += "Please visit\n\n" return txt def _get_metadata(self): metadata = { 'title': 'undefined', 'summary':'undefined', 'synapse page':'undefined'} filename = self.classpath + os.sep + "README.rst" if os.path.exists(filename) is False: print("Missing README.rst. Please add one in %s" % self.alias) data = open(filename, 'r').read() for line in data.split("\n"): for prefix in ['title', 'summary', 'synapse page']: if line.lower().startswith(":" + prefix + ":"): N = len(prefix) + 2 metadata[prefix] = line[N:].strip() for k, v in metadata.items(): if metadata[k] == 'undefined': if self.debug: print("Did not find %s in README.rst" % k) metadata['synapseId'] = metadata['synapse page'].split("!Synapse:")[1] return metadata
[docs] def test(self): if len(self.sub_challenges) == 0: self.download_template() self.download_goldstandard() else: for subname in self.sub_challenges: self.download_template(subname) self.download_goldstandard(subname) print(self)
[docs] def onweb(self): url = "!Synapse:%s" url = url % self.synapseId print("Opening %s" % url) import webbrowser webbrowser.open_new(url)
def __repr__(self): txt = "dreamtools.Challenge %s" % self.alias return txt