Source code for dreamtools.dream5.D5C3.scoring

"""D5C3 scoring function

Original matlab code from Gustavo A. Stolovitzky,  Robert Prill, Ph.D.
sub challenge B original code in R from A. de la Fuente

import os
import random
from dreamtools.core.challenge import Challenge
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from dreamtools.core.rocs import D3D4ROC

__all__ = ["D5C3"]

[docs]class D5C3(Challenge, D3D4ROC): """A class dedicated to D5C3 challenge :: from dreamtools import D5C3 s = D5C3() filename = s.download_template() s.score(filename) Data and templates are downloaded from Synapse. You must have a login. 3 subchallenges (A100, A300, A999) but also 3 others simpler with B1, B2, B3 For A series, 5 networks are required. For B, 3 are needed. """ def __init__(self, verbose=True, download=True, **kargs): """.. rubric:: constructor """ super(D5C3, self).__init__('D5C3', verbose, download, **kargs) self._init() self.sub_challenges = ['A100', 'A300', 'A999', 'B'] self.N_pvalues = 100 def _init(self): # should download files from synapse if required. # The templates if self._standalone is True: return prefix = 'DREAM5_SysGen' self._download_data(prefix + 'A100_myteam_Network1.txt', 'syn4561478') self._download_data(prefix + 'A100_myteam_Network2.txt', 'syn4561482') self._download_data(prefix + 'A100_myteam_Network3.txt', 'syn4561486') self._download_data(prefix + 'A100_myteam_Network4.txt', 'syn4561489') self._download_data(prefix + 'A100_myteam_Network5.txt', 'syn4561493') # Get goldstandard and unpack zipped files self._download_data('', 'syn4561554') self.unzip('') # the probabilities for sub challenge A self._download_data('', 'syn4562041') self.unzip('') def _check_filename(self, filename): end = filename[-5:] if end[1] != '.': raise ValueError("File must end with a suffix of 3 letters e.g. .csv") end = end[0] if end not in ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']: raise ValueError("File must end with a valid batch value in 1,2,3,4,5") return end def _check_subname(self, subname): if subname not in self.sub_challenges: raise ValueError("sub-challenge must be in %s" % self.sub_challenges) def _check_sub_challenge_name(self, name): assert name in self.sub_challenges
[docs] def download_template(self, subname): # for B1, B2, B3, returns a single file # for A100, A300, A999 as well but to indicate the network, # append _1, _2, ..._5 # if not, the network _1 is returned only # there is no A300 or a999 template if subname in ['A300', 'A999']: print("Warning:: there is no A300 or A999 template per se. " + "Use the goldstandard instead") subname = 'A100' self._check_subname(subname) if subname == 'B': filenames = [self._pj([self.classpath, 'templates', "DREAM5_SysGenB1_your_Predictions.txt" ])] filenames.append(self._pj([self.classpath, 'templates', "DREAM5_SysGenB2_your_Predictions.txt" ])) filenames.append(self._pj([self.classpath, 'templates', "DREAM5_SysGenB3_your_Predictions.txt" ])) else: filenames = [] for i in range(1, 6): gs_filename = self.get_pathname('DREAM5_SysGen%s_myteam_Network%s.txt' % (subname, i)) filenames.append(gs_filename) return filenames
[docs] def download_goldstandard(self, subname): # for B1, B2, B3, returns a single file # for A100, A300, A999 as well but to indicate the network, append _1, _2, ..._5 # if not, the network _1 is returned only self._check_subname(subname) if subname == 'B': filenames = [self._pj([self.classpath, 'goldstandard', "DREAM5_SysGenB1_TestPhenotypeData.txt" ])] filenames.append(self._pj([self.classpath, 'goldstandard', "DREAM5_SysGenB2_TestPhenotypeData.txt"])) filenames.append(self._pj([self.classpath, 'goldstandard', "DREAM5_SysGenB3_TestPhenotypeData.txt"])) return filenames else: filenames = [] for i in range(1, 6): gs_filename = self.get_pathname('DREAM5_SysGen%s_Edges_Network%s.tsv' % (subname, i)) filenames.append(gs_filename) return filenames
def _load_network(self, filename): df = pd.read_csv(filename, header=None, sep='[ \t]', engine='python') df[0] = df[0].apply(lambda x: x.replace('g', '').replace('G', '')) df[1] = df[1].apply(lambda x: x.replace('g', '').replace('G', '')) df = df.astype(float) # imoprtant for later to check for equality return df
[docs] def score(self, filename, subname): self._check_subname(subname) if subname in ['A100', 'A300', 'A999']: return self._score_challengeA_bunch(filename, subname) elif subname == 'B': if isinstance(filename, list) is False: raise TypeError('Challenge B expects 3 input files B1, B2, B3') if len(filename)!=3: raise TypeError('Challenge B expects 3 input files B1, B2, B3') return self.score_challengeB(filename) else: raise ValueError('Sub challenge must be either A or B')
def _score_challengeA_bunch(self, filenames, subname): from easydev import Progress pb = Progress(5, 1) pb.animate(0) results = [] for i, filename in enumerate(filenames): res = self.score_challengeA(filename, subname+"_" + str(i+1)) pb.animate(i+1) results.append(res) aupr_score = -np.mean(np.log10([x['p_auroc'] for x in results])) auroc_score = -np.mean(np.log10([x['p_aupr'] for x in results])) score = (aupr_score + auroc_score)/2. df = pd.Series() df['Overall Score'] = score df['AUPR score (pval)'] = aupr_score df['AUROC score (pval)'] = aupr_score for i in range(1, 6): df['AUPR Net %s' % i] = results[i-1]['aupr'] for i in range(1, 6): df['AUROC Net %s' % i] = results[i-1]['auroc'] return df
[docs] def score_challengeA(self, filename, subname): name1, name2 = subname.rsplit("_",1) goldfile = self.download_goldstandard(name1)[int(name2)-1] # gold standard edges only predictionfile = filename # precomputed probability densities for various metrics pdffile_aupr = self.get_pathname(name1 + os.sep+ 'Network%s_AUPR.mat' % (name2)) pdffile_auroc = self.get_pathname(name1+os.sep+ 'Network%s_AUROC.mat'% (name2)) # load probability densities pdf_aupr = self.loadmat(pdffile_aupr) pdf_auroc = self.loadmat(pdffile_auroc) self.pdf_auroc = self.loadmat(pdffile_auroc) self.pdf_aupr = self.loadmat(pdffile_aupr) # load gold standard self.gold_edges = self._load_network(goldfile) # load predictions self.prediction = self._load_network(predictionfile) # DISCOVERY # In principle we could resuse ROCDiscovery class but # here the pvalues were also computed. let us do it here for now merged = pd.merge(self.gold_edges, self.prediction, how='inner', on=[0,1]) self.merged = merged TPF = len(merged) # unique species should be 1000 N = len(set(self.gold_edges[0]).union(self.gold_edges[1])) # positive Pos = len(self.gold_edges) # negative Neg = N*N-N-Pos # total Ntot = Pos + Neg L = len(self.prediction) discovery = np.zeros(L) values_gs = [tuple(x) for x in merged[[0,1]].values] values_pred = [tuple(x) for x in self.prediction[[0,1]].values] count = 0 for i in range(0, L): if values_pred[i] in values_gs: discovery[count] = 1 # else nothing to do (vector is filled with zeros count += 1 TPL = sum(discovery) self.discovery = discovery if L < Ntot: p = (Pos - TPL) / float(Ntot - L) else: p = 0 random_positive_discovery = [p] * (Ntot - L) random_negative_discovery = [1-p] * (Ntot - L) # append discovery + random using lists positive_discovery = np.array(list(discovery) + random_positive_discovery) negative_discovery = np.array(list(1-discovery) + random_negative_discovery) # true positives (false positives) at depth k TPk = np.cumsum(positive_discovery) FPk = np.cumsum(negative_discovery) # metrics TPR = TPk / float(Pos) FPR = FPk / float(Neg) REC = TPR # same thing PREC = TPk / range(1, Ntot+1) from dreamtools.core.rocs import ROCBase roc = ROCBase() auroc = roc.compute_auc(roc={'tpr':TPR, 'fpr':FPR}) aupr = roc.compute_aupr(roc={'precision':PREC, 'recall':REC}) # normalise by max possible value aupr /= (1.-1./Pos) p_aupr = self._probability(pdf_aupr['X'][0], pdf_aupr['Y'][0], aupr) p_auroc = self._probability(pdf_auroc['X'][0], pdf_auroc['Y'][0], auroc) results = {'auroc':auroc, 'aupr':aupr, 'p_auroc':p_auroc, 'p_aupr':p_aupr} return results
[docs] def score_challengeB(self, filenames): # Ideally provide 3 filenames but if only 1 is given, try # to infer the names of the 2 others cor_pheno1 = [] cor_pheno2 = [] pval_pheno1 = [] pval_pheno2 = [] scores = [] from dreamtools.core.rtools import RTools rtool = RTools(verboseR=False) assert len(filenames) == 3, "Must provide 3 files" self.golds = [] self.preds = [] gold_filenames = self.download_goldstandard('B') print("Warning: your 3 submissions should be ordered as B1, B2, B3 files") for tag in [1, 2, 3]: #assumeing data and gs are sorted in the same way !! gold = pd.read_csv(gold_filenames[tag-1], sep='[ \t]', engine='python') self.golds.append(gold) #filename = 'DREAM5_SysGenB%s_your_Predictions.txt' % tag #filename = self._pj([self.classpath, 'data', filename]) filename = filenames[tag-1] pred1 = pd.read_csv(filename, sep='[ \t]', engine='python') self.preds.append(pred1) # correlation gs versus predicted rtool.session.t = pred1.ix[0].values rtool.session.g = gold.ix[0].values"results = cor.test(t, g, method='spearman', alternative='greater')") T1 = rtool.session.results.copy() rtool.session.t = pred1.ix[1].values rtool.session.g = gold.ix[1].values"results = cor.test(t, g, method='spearman', alternative='greater')") T2 = rtool.session.results.copy() cor_pheno1.append(T1['estimate']) cor_pheno2.append(T2['estimate']) pval_pheno1.append(T1['p.value']) pval_pheno2.append(T2['p.value']) score = -(np.log(T1['p.value']) + np.log(T2['p.value'])) scores.append(score) self.corp1 = cor_pheno1 self.corp2 = cor_pheno2 self.pval1 = pval_pheno1 self.pval2 = pval_pheno2 self.scores = scores # This part now compute the pvalues using random prediction random_scores = {0:[],1:[],2:[]} from easydev import Progress pb = Progress(self.N_pvalues, interval=1) for ii in range(1, self.N_pvalues): for tag in [0,1,2]: #generate random coordinates coord = random.sample(['RIL%s' % i for i in range(1,31)], 30) coord2 = random.sample(['RIL%s' % i for i in range(1,31)], 30) # Obtaining random scores rtool.session.t = self.preds[tag].ix[0].ix[coord].values rtool.session.g = self.golds[tag].ix[0].values"results = cor.test(t, g, method='spearman', alternative='greater')") T1 = rtool.session.results.copy() rtool.session.t = self.preds[tag].ix[1].ix[coord2].values rtool.session.g = self.golds[tag].ix[1].values"results = cor.test(t, g, method='spearman', alternative='greater')") T2 = rtool.session.results.copy() random_scores[tag].append(-(np.log(T1['p.value']) + np.log(T2['p.value']))) pb.animate(ii+1) self.random_scores = random_scores #Obtaining p-values pvals = [sum(self.random_scores[k]>= self.scores[k])/float(self.N_pvalues) for k in [0,1,2]] self.pvals = pvals df = pd.DataFrame({'scores':self.scores, 'correlation_phenotype1':cor_pheno1, 'correlation_phenotype2':cor_pheno2, 'pvalues_phenotype1':pval_pheno1, 'pvalues_phenotype2':pval_pheno2, 'pvalues':self.pvals}) df= df.T df.columns = ['SysGenB1', 'SysGenB2', 'SysGenB3'] return df
def _probability(self, X, Y, x): dx = X[1] - X[0] return sum(Y[X >= x]) * dx