Source code for dreamtools.dream7.D7C4.scoring


Original code for challenge B translted from  Mukesh Bansal
Sub challenge A is currently a wrapping of a perl code provided by Jim Costello

import os
import math
import random

from dreamtools.core.challenge import Challenge
from easydev import shellcmd
import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

[docs]class D7C4(Challenge): """A class dedicated to D7C4 challenge :: from dreamtools import D7C4 s = D7C4() filename = s.download_template() s.score(filename) Data and templates are downloaded from Synapse. You must have a login. :: # columns represent the probabilistic c-index of the given team for each drug. # following the columns of teams are 5 columns which are used for calculating the overall team score # |-> Test_data = the probabilistic c-index for the experimentally determined test data scored against itself # |-> Mean Null Distribution = a set of 10,000 random predictions were scored to create the null distribution, of which this column represents the mean # |-> SD Null Distribution = a set of 10,000 random predictions were scored to create the null distribution, of which this column represents the standard deviation # |-> z-score of test data to null = score of the test data minus the mean of the null distribution divided by the standard deviation of the null distribution # |-> weight of drug (normalized z-score) = the z-score normalized by the largest z-score across all 31 drugs. # to calculate your team overall score, simply mulitple the score of all drugs by the corresponding weight. Divide the sum of these weighted scores by the sum of the weights """ def __init__(self, verbose=True, download=True, **kargs): """.. rubric:: constructor This challenge uses PERL script that requires specific packages. First, you need cpanm tools ( Under Fedora 23: sudo dnf install perl-App-cpanminus Then, install the dependencies that will be required sudo cpanm install Math::Libm sudo cpanm install Algorithm::Pair::Best2 sudo cpanm install Digest::SHA1 sudo cpanm install Tk sudo cpanm install Games::Go::AGATourn finally install the Games-go-GoPair.tar.gz package stored in dreamtools github repositotry in dreamtools/dreamt7/D7C4/misc:: cd dreamtools/dream7/D7C4/misc tar xvfz Games-Go-GoPair-1.001.tar.gz cd Games-Go-GoPair-1.001 perl Makefile.PL make sudo make install """ super(D7C4, self).__init__('D7C4', verbose, download, **kargs) self.sub_challenges = ['A', 'B'] def _check_subname(self, subname): from easydev import check_param_in_list check_param_in_list(subname, self.sub_challenges)
[docs] def download_template(self, subname): self._check_subname(subname) if subname == 'A': filename = self.getpath_template('D7C4_template.csv') elif subname == 'B': filename = self.getpath_template('D7C4_template_B.csv') return filename
[docs] def score(self, filename, subname): self._check_subname(subname) if subname == 'A': return self.score_A(filename) elif subname == 'B': return self.score_B(filename)
[docs] def download_goldstandard(self, subname): self._check_subname(subname) if subname == 'A': filename = self._pj([self.classpath, 'templates', 'D7C4_template.csv']) elif subname == 'B': filename = self.getpath_gs('D7C4_B_synergy_IC20.tsv') return filename
[docs] def score_A(self, filename): from easydev import TempFile fh = TempFile() script = self._pj([self.classpath, '']) datadir = self._pj([self.classpath, 'data']) cmd = "perl %s %s %s %s" cmd = cmd % (script, filename, datadir , shellcmd(cmd, verbose=True, ignore_errors=True) try: df = pd.read_csv(, sep='\t', header=None) except: print("Something wrong in the Scoring while executing \n %s. " % cmd) print("\n The D7C4 challenge requires a Perl package to be installed") print("See D7C4 documentation e.g., on") import sys sys.exit(1) df.columns = ['DrugID', 'probabilistic c-index', 'weighted probabilistic c-index', 'zscores'] df = df.set_index('DrugID') fh.delete() ws = (df.sum() / df.sum().ix['zscores']) ws = ws.ix['weighted probabilistic c-index'] results = df.mean() results['weight average probabilistic c-index'] = ws del results['zscores'] # Finally compute pvalues based on precomputed scores precomp = pd.read_csv(self._pj([self.classpath, 'data', 'DREAM7_DrugSensitivity1_drug_zscores.txt']), sep='\t', skiprows=6, header=None) overall_mean = precomp.ix[31][1] overall_var = precomp.ix[31][2] pval = 1 - (.5 * (math.erf((ws - overall_mean)/(math.sqrt(2*overall_var))) + 1)) results['weight average probabilistic c-index p-value'] = pval return {'Results': results}
[docs] def score_B(self, filename): gs_filename = self.download_goldstandard('B') gold = pd.read_csv(gs_filename, sep='\t') gold.columns = [x.strip() for x in gold.columns] unique_drugs = list(set(gold['Cmpd A'])) # build a new columns pairs = gold['Cmpd A'] + "_" + gold['Cmpd B'] gold['pairs'] = pairs # sort by excess of over Bliss try: gold = gold.sort_values(by=['Excess over Bliss']) except: gold = gold.sort(columns=['Excess over Bliss']) self.p_matrix = self._probability_matrix(gold['Excess over Bliss'], gold['SEM']) # noew read the predicition. Note that here it has to be comma separated # There are 91 rows + 1 . THe lsat gives the # The 93rd row (i.e., the last row after the header line and the 91 pairs) should report the # first compound pair in the ranked list whose predicted activity is not deemed to have a # significant synergistic effect, i.e. excess over Bliss close to 0 (see Scoring Metrics section # for the definition of excess over Bliss). prediction = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=',') # we rename first column to agree with gold for a later merge prediction.columns = ['pairs', 'Rank'] #skip last row prediction = prediction.ix[0:90] #In the submission, drugs already within a single column where drug A and B are seprated by a & sign. # let us replace the & by a _ like in the gold standard newnames = prediction['pairs'].apply(lambda x : "_".join([y.strip() for y in x.split("&")])) newnames = list(newnames) prediction['pairs'] = newnames # not that the fold is sorted so it should be first self.merged = pd.merge(gold, prediction, how='inner', on=['pairs']) N = 91 ranks = self.merged['Rank'].values.astype(float) weighted_cindex = self._concordance(ranks, range(0,N), self.p_matrix) Nmax = 10000 cindex_nulldist =np.zeros(Nmax) for i in range(0, Nmax): # cast to list for py3 randx = list(range(N)) random.shuffle(randx) # in place cindex_nulldist[i] = self._concordance(randx, range(0,N), self.p_matrix) pvalues = sum(cindex_nulldist>= weighted_cindex)/float(Nmax) results = pd.Series() results['weighted cindex'] = weighted_cindex results['pvalue'] = pvalues return {'Results': results}
def _probability_matrix(self, x, x_std): from scipy.special import erf N = len(x) X = np.repeat(np.array(x),N).reshape(N,N) X = X - X.transpose() X_std = np.repeat(np.array(x_std),N).reshape(N,N) X_std = np.sqrt(X_std**2+X_std.transpose()**2) p_matrix = 0.5*(1 + erf(X/X_std)) return p_matrix def _concordance(self, x, y, p_matrix): N = len(x) X = np.repeat(np.array(x),N).reshape(N, N) Y = np.repeat(np.array(y),N).reshape(N, N) C = np.sign(X - X.transpose()) == np.sign(Y - Y.transpose()) C = C * (1 - p_matrix.transpose()) + (1-C) * p_matrix.transpose() C = sum(sum(np.tril(C, -1))) / float(N) / (N - 1.) * 2 return C